Behavior Change Guides
Season 2
Season 1
S1E1: Prioritizing your needs to prevent burnout
S1E2: Supporting your employees as their whole self
S1E3: Celebrating small team wins to maintain motivation
S1E4: Charging what I am worth so my time is valued
S1E5: Reducing parental stressors including extra curricular activities
S1E6: Taking a parenting break to prevent burnout
S1E7: Unlearning long working hour habits
S1E8: Limiting emails out of work hours
S1E9: Preventing burnout recurrence through self awareness
S1E10: Managing meeting time boundaries more efficiently
S1E11: Finding my tribe in burnout recovery
S1E12: Interrupting bias in the moment
S1E13: Being aware of resentment as a burnout symptom
Additional Guides