Behavior Change Analysis for Impact
Has your company invested in sustainability leadership, well being, and DEI programs but you do not know whether they are making a difference? Are you helping companies with sustainability leadership, wellness, or DEI training and coaching but you’re struggling to have impact? Would you like to have a behavior science approach that can improve your return on investment?
I can help provide a behavioral analysis of your existing programs and provide evidence based strategies so that your program actually focuses on changing the key behaviors that improve belonging, team well being and healthy leadership. You will be reassured by the clarity this process brings and amazed how easy it is to create change when you understand the key levers and supports.
I am particularly interested in working with organizations that have tried to implement change and understand how hard it is.
Behavioral analysis of your program and logic model creation
Behavior change guides for successful change
Identification of individual, interpersonal and institutional facilitators and barriers
Ongoing impact evaluation, data driven solution identification
Online course on behavior change and impactInterested in learning more?
Interested in learning more?
My experience as a behavior change scientist
My behavior change approach considers the systems we are part of and empowers people to change themselves and to advocate for change in others. Systems don’t change on their own. People have to decide to change them. I understand that behavior change is hard and people need help creating goals, plans, and supportive systems that will increase their chances of success. I have over 200 scientific publications and am in the top 1% of most cited scientists worldwide. In 2005, I authored and edited an academic review of behavior change science in the book ABC of Behavior Change.
For each of my podcast guests, I create a behavior change guide which helps listeners action the guests’ solutions.
I can apply my 15 step behavioral process to any behavior you are trying to change.
You can find written examples here:
And audio guides in the podcast mini episodes, for example here:
I use logic models to help create focused behavior change menus for your programs
It’s important to start with clear target behaviors and to understand the psychological processes and behavioral mechanisms that lead to change. An example model for burnout prevention is here: